Areas of Practice

Constitutional law, Civil Rights and Police Misconduct


Constitutional law and Federal Civil Rights

A long time ago our forefathers understood that we needed protections from an over-reaching government and those who would do us harm who are clothed with governmental authority. Our forefathers proclaimed a Constitution and enacted the Bills of Rights to enumerate our protections. We enforce those rights for our clients. Typically, this includes:

Wrongful Death and excessive force claims

False arrest and search and seizure violations

Wrongful detentions and police over-reaching

Public Records


Public Records

Wise legislatures wrote laws that gave the People access to the papers of government. However, too often, government actors deny access to government information. Whether these government trolls do so out of laziness or self interest our firm has focused on this area of law and knows how to navigate the sometimes intricate process of government records requests. Typically we charge no fee to our efforts, but instead, demands that fees be paid by the government agency that resists efforts of openness and disclosures.

California Public Records Act (Gov Code 6250 et seq)

Criminal Defense


Criminal Defense

As former prosecutors and long time criminal defense attorneys we have the expertise to effectively represent people who find themselves charged with crimes. At the very least you should have someone at your side who can help you navigate the judicial process, help you avoid over zealous prosecutions, and seek dismissals and acquittals when you know that is merited.

Our criminal defense work is centered in the Inland Empire. We are local here. We know the lay of the land, sort to speak. That benefits our clients.

We handle cases from the simple to the severe, from DUI’s to homicides.

We find that people who reach out to us have a reason to do so. Many times the police and the prosecutor have failed to really examine the fact, to look at matters objectively. If everyone was always objectively honest and investigations always thorough there would be almost no need for defense attorneys. But the world is not perfect, and neither are police and prosecutors. Someone needs to be on your side.

Other Matters


We have handled other matters in our long carers as litigators.

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Digital Media & Technology


Technology is now pervasive in law enforcement. That is an excellent advancement when used correctly. It can also be a source for concern. We have gained an expertise in examining digital evidence for manipulations. [Section Under Construction]

Our history


The firm has been in existence, with a few name changes, since 1995. The firm incorporated in 2018 and became known as Schlueter Law Firm PC. Peter Schlueter is its founding partner.